Blog Social Networking

Social Networking makes it easier to connect with people. For example, in the article, “Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting,” Langfitt explains how Linkedin has made it much easier for recruiters to identify and contact candidates for jobs. With hundreds of thousands of profiles that detail users’ job experience, recruiters can quickly search for potential candidates and reach out to them. Additionally users can get input on topics, such as business-place issues and workplace developments from many different people. Linked-in and social networking in general have proven to be a much more efficient way for people to connect. It saves people the time of having to keep track of names and numbers on paper and then call people individually. Social networking also allows users to feel more connected to their friends and families because they can gain insight into the little things they are doing at the moment. In “Being There,” Heffernan describes how Facebook statuses show what your friends are doing right now. For example, you may see that your friend tried a new recipe or went to a party. Without social media, you wouldn’t have these little glimpses into your friends’ lives. I think that a dark side of social media is that people may become obsessed with their online appearance and getting as many likes as possible. For example, Heffernan discusses her search for how to write the perfect status update. This indicates that for some people, social media is about posting the best content rather than staying connected. I think that social networking will continue to evolve to be more interactive. For example, people can now film live videos and respond to comments in real time. This kind of interaction between people and their followers is becoming popular and the technology will probably evolve to find more ways for people to communicate in real time.

Works Cited
"Being There: The subtle art of the Facebook update", by Virginia Heffernan. The New York Times Magazine, Feb 15, 2009, p. 25. 

"Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt, NPR, March 16, 2008. available from


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