Social Networking Sites

I compared Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. One thing I noticed about all of them is that they all serve as a way for people to share information about themselves with followers. They also allow users to communicate with a large number of people from all over the world. While your followers or friends on these social media platforms can only include your family and friends you know, you also have the opportunity to connect with millions of people you’ve never even met. One thing that stands out about Linked-in when comparing it to the other three platforms is that it is meant to be a professional platform. Instead of posting about their personal lives, most people will post information related to their careers. Instagram is primarily meant to share photos. While captions often accompany the photos, it seems like most people strive to express themselves through their photos on Instagram and not as much through words. Twitter offers shorter posts, while Facebook allows users to post very long statuses. Facebook seems like a hybrid of Instagram and Twitter. People frequently both post both photos and statuses describing their opinions or lives. Twitter users do not appear to share photos from their personal lives like they do on Instagram and Facebook, but they may share photos that relate to the topic they are tweeting about.


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