Next New

A new type of media can be virtual reality that enhances the work from home and remote learning experience. It could help people feel like they are all in the same place. For example, employees will feel like they are in the office together even though they're at home. The technology will create a virtual office environment that the employees will see through their VR headset. They will also be able to see the other employees they work with sitting at the desks next to them. In the virtual reality world, they will be able to talk to other employees and walk around the office. This is different from current technology like Zoom because it allows employees to be fully immersed in their work environment. I think this may allow them to be more productive. Today, most people are working or taking classes from home. While technology is helping us stay connected and get work done, there are definitely some limitations to the tools we currently have available. For many people, being in a classroom or office puts them in a mindset where they can actually get work done. This is where this new type of virtual reality media can be useful. 


  1. This is a really interesting idea, especially right now with everyone working remotely till who knows when. This could be really helpful for people that are at their most productive outside of their home but aren't able to leave because of situations like the current one.

  2. Hi Trisha,

    Your business concept is truly intriguing and entertaining to read. Utilizing VR in a Zoom type setting could completely replace face to face meetings. Similarly to you, I also oriented my business plan around the COVID-19 pandemic. With everything currently shut down, there are many opportunities to utilize communication technologies in creating products that will account for less face to face interactions in the near future. Great post!


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